What A.I. Says About the Catholic Church

An Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) chatbot allows people to ask it questions of practically any kind, and it “works by processing large amounts of text data and using patterns in that data to generate responses that are relevant and coherent” (chatgpt.com). The most widely used chatbot is called ChatGPT: “As of September 2024, ChatGPT is the most popular AI tool in the world. The AI chatbot receives 3.1 billion monthly website visits from over 180 million users” (explodingtopics.com). ChatGPT was also ranked the “Best Overall” A.I. chatbot of 2024 by multiple sources, including tomsguide.com. This writer asked ChatGPT about the Catholic Church, and it had much to say. The formatting and wording of its answers have not been altered in any way. 

Question for ChatGPT:

What are differences between Catholic churches today and the churches of Christ that existed in the first century A.D.?

ChatGPT said:

The Catholic Church today differs in several ways from the churches of Christ that existed in the first century A.D., both in doctrine and practice. Here are some key differences:

1. Church Organization

  • First-Century Church: Each local congregation was autonomous and led by a plurality of elders (also called bishops or overseers) and deacons (Acts 14:23, Philippians 1:1, Titus 1:5-9).
  • Catholic Church Today: It has a hierarchical structure with the Pope as the supreme leader, cardinals, archbishops, and priests, which developed over centuries.

2. Authority and Scripture

  • First-Century Church: Followed the teachings of Christ and the apostles, with the Bible (Old Testament and later the New Testament writings) as the only authority (2 Timothy 3:16-17, Galatians 1:6-9).
  • Catholic Church Today: Recognizes both the Bible and church tradition, as well as the authority of the Pope and church councils, believing in the doctrine of apostolic succession.

3. Worship Practices

  • First-Century Church: Worship included singing without instrumental music (Ephesians 5:19), prayer, the Lord’s Supper (Acts 20:7), preaching, and giving (1 Corinthians 16:1-2).
  • Catholic Church Today: Uses instrumental music, has formalized liturgy, and includes practices such as the Mass and the veneration of saints and Mary.

4. The Lord’s Supper

  • First-Century Church: Observed the Lord’s Supper weekly on the first day of the week (Acts 20:7).
  • Catholic Church Today: The Eucharist (Holy Communion) is central, but its frequency varies. Catholics believe in transubstantiation, meaning the bread and wine become the literal body and blood of Christ.

5. Salvation and Baptism

  • First-Century Church: Baptism was immersion in water for the remission of sins (Acts 2:38, Romans 6:3-4).
  • Catholic Church Today: Practices infant baptism (usually by sprinkling) and teaches that sacraments, faith, and good works contribute to salvation.

6. Role of Mary and Saints

  • First-Century Church: No evidence of veneration of Mary or prayers to saints.
  • Catholic Church Today: Teaches that Mary was sinless and is the “Mother of God.” Catholics pray to saints for intercession.

7. Purgatory and Afterlife

  • First-Century Church: The Bible teaches about heaven and hell but does not mention purgatory (Luke 16:19-31, 2 Corinthians 5:10).
  • Catholic Church Today: Believes in purgatory as a place of purification before entering heaven.


Many practices and doctrines of the Catholic Church developed over time, whereas the first-century church followed the teachings of Christ and His apostles without added traditions. Those seeking to restore the original pattern of the church often emphasize returning to the New Testament as the sole guide for faith and practice.

Another question for ChatGPT:

If a person wants to make sure he is following what God taught in the Bible, would it be better for him to be a member of the church of Christ, or a Catholic?

ChatGPT said:

If a person sincerely wants to follow what God teaches in the Bible, they should seek a church that aligns as closely as possible with the teachings and practices found in the New Testament. The key is to compare any church’s doctrines and practices with what the Bible teaches, using Scripture as the ultimate standard (2 Timothy 3:16-17, Galatians 1:6-9).

Church of Christ vs. Catholic Church: Which Aligns More with the Bible?

  1. Authority
    • The Church of Christ teaches that the Bible alone is the authority for faith and practice (2 Timothy 3:16-17).The Catholic Church teaches that both the Bible and church traditions (including papal authority) are authoritative.
    Biblical Support: Jesus and the apostles warned against adding to God’s word (Revelation 22:18-19, Mark 7:7-9).
  2. Church Leadership
    • The Church of Christ follows the biblical model of autonomous congregations led by elders and deacons (Philippians 1:1, Titus 1:5-9).
    • The Catholic Church has a hierarchical structure, including the Pope, cardinals, and priests, which is not found in the New Testament.
    Biblical Support: The first-century church had no universal earthly leader like the Pope (Colossians 1:18, 1 Peter 5:1-3).
  3. Worship
    • The Church of Christ practices simple New Testament worship: a cappella singing (Ephesians 5:19), the Lord’s Supper weekly (Acts 20:7), prayer, giving, and Bible teaching.
    • The Catholic Church incorporates instrumental music, incense, and other liturgical practices not mentioned in the New Testament.
    Biblical Support: Worship should be in spirit and truth (John 4:24), and early Christians did not use instruments in worship.
  4. Baptism and Salvation
    • The Church of Christ teaches baptism by immersion for the remission of sins, as commanded in the Bible (Acts 2:38, Romans 6:3-4).
    • The Catholic Church practices infant baptism (often by sprinkling) and teaches salvation involves sacraments beyond what the Bible describes.
    Biblical Support: Baptism in the New Testament was always for believers and by immersion (Acts 8:36-39).
  5. Role of Mary and Saints
    • The Church of Christ teaches that only Christ is our mediator (1 Timothy 2:5).
    • The Catholic Church prays to Mary and saints for intercession.
    Biblical Support: There is no biblical teaching on praying to anyone other than God (Matthew 6:9, Acts 4:12).


If a person desires to follow only what is taught in the Bible, the Church of Christ aligns more closely with New Testament Christianity than the Catholic Church, which has added doctrines and traditions over time. The Bible warns against going beyond what is written (1 Corinthians 4:6) and teaches that true worshipers must follow God’s commands, not human traditions (Mark 7:7-9).

Ultimately, a person should study the Scriptures carefully and prayerfully choose where to worship based on God’s Word. Acts 17:11 encourages believers to “search the Scriptures daily” to confirm what is true.

Concluding thoughts from Jason: There are other critical differences between the church of Christ and the Catholic Church, but these are some of the clearest differences. Some of the wording ChatGPT chose could be improved upon, and not all Catholic congregations are exactly the same, but overall, its assessment is unbiased and accurate. The reader is kindly encouraged to investigate and visit a local church of Christ and see firsthand if they truly follow God’s Word. Please contact me if you need help finding a sound congregation in your area. “…The churches of Christ salute you” (Romans 16:16).

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