Anyone who calls himself a “Christ”ian is claiming to follow the teachings and example of Christ, the one who never sinned (1 Pet. 2:21, 22). We could not be saved without Him (Mt. 26:28; Heb. 2:9; 5:9), but there is also a sense in which we must “save ourselves” (Acts 2:40). None of us deserve salvation, but we must be faithful to God to obtain salvation and keep it (Mt. 7:21; Php. 2:12; 1 Pet. 1:22; 2 Pet.… Read more
Author: Jason
If They Tried to Build a Human Body, Atom by Atom
Scientists say there are approximately 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 atoms in the average human body (7 octillion, These atoms are not haphazardly stuck together as a random mass of chaos. They are orderly arranged to form things that are super complex, such as DNA with intelligent language embedded, cells, tissues, organs (including the brain with 100 trillion neuron connections), and systems such as the nervous, respiratory, endocrine, immune, digestive, urinary, circulatory, integumentary (skin), reproductive, lymphatic, and musculoskeletal systems (… Read more
Being Habitually Late
Sometimes things happen that are outside of our control, causing us to arrive late for certain events, but what about those who are repeatedly late for spiritual events when they could have been on time? Being habitually late may be a symptom of other underlying issues, such as:
– Selfishness
– Laziness
– Lack of respect for other people
– Lack of respect for God
– Misplaced priorities
– Lack of interest in spiritual things (being carnally-minded)
Being late can also have a negative impact on others around us:
– It can be a distraction to those who are trying to learn
– It can be a distraction to those who are serious about worshiping God properly (Jn.… Read more
A Tremendous Lack of Love
When someone knows the Truth, but refuses to live in faithful obedience to God, that is a tremendous lack of love:
- They don’t love God, or else they would remove the barrier of sin separating them from God (Isa. 59:2; Jer. 5:25; Acts 2:37-41; 22:16; Rom. 6:23; 1 Jn. 1:7).
- They don’t love Jesus, or else they would obey Him to show their gratitude for His ultimate sacrifice (Lk. 6:46; 9:23; 17:11-18; Jn. 14:15, 21-24; 15:14; 2 Cor.
The Back Cover of Your Bible
If your preacher tells you he received a direct revelation from God, he has either deceived himself or he is intentionally deceiving others. That kind of language is how false teachers such as Muhammad and Joseph Smith have deceived billions. It enabled them to please people or manipulate people with the alleged authority of God (1 Kin. 13:18; Jer. 23:16).
Friends, do you know why there is a back cover on your Bible after Revelation 22?… Read more
God Does Not Owe Us a List of Everything He Does Not Want
Where did God say that using mechanical instruments in New Testament worship is forbidden? If God did not say, “Thou shalt not use mechanical instruments in New Testament worship,” are they automatically authorized? Friends, God has never owed man a list of all the things He does not want (as will be shown). To be faithful to Him, we simply need to know what He does want, and give Him exactly that. We must not presume that something other than what He specified is acceptable to Him, as many people in Bible times learned the hard way by being punished or even killed (Gen.… Read more
Jesus’ Birthday? God Didn’t Say
It’s interesting that God did not tell us the day Jesus was born from the womb, but the day Jesus was born from the tomb—the first day of the week. Around 1450 B.C. God foretold the exact night the Lamb of God would be taken to be slain (Passover, the 14th day of the first Jewish month), and the Gospel accounts reveal the exact hours certain events occurred on the cross, but not even the month or year of Jesus’ birth.… Read more
“Filled With the Holy Ghost”
Was the phrase “filled with the Holy Ghost” referring to the miraculous CAUSE of the Word being spoken, or the non-miraculous EFFECT of hearing the Word? The reader is encouraged to study the following Scriptures:
· Luke 1:15 – “filled” (by hearing?)
· Luke 1:41 – “filled…spake”
· Luke 1:67 – “filled…prophesied”
· Acts 2:4 – “filled…speak…tongues”
· Acts 4:8 – “filled…said”
· Acts 4:31 – “filled…spake”
· Acts 7:55 – “full of…said”
· Acts 9:17 – “filled” (by hearing? See Galatians 1:11-22)
· Acts 13:9 – “filled…said”
· Eph.… Read more
Satan Has Convinced You
Satan and his influencers have convinced many people that a person does not have to obey God to get to Heaven. They have been sold the lie that as long as someone “accepts Jesus into his heart,” nothing else really matters. Friends, anybody who tells you that you don’t have to obey God is working for Satan, whether they realize it or not. Don’t you know that has been Satan’s plan from the beginning in the Garden of Eden, to convince man not to obey God?… Read more
Learning to Be Content
Many young people are constantly wishing to be older, and when they are old, they wish to be younger! Contentment seems to elude most people. When many children are in school, they cannot wait until they get their driver’s license. When they have that, they cannot wait to be old enough to graduate high school. Then they cannot be content until they graduate college or find their dream job, and after that they cannot wait until they retire.… Read more
Kardashians, But Not Christ
It’s sad that so many people know all about the Kardashians, TikTok, and other worldly influences while knowing little to nothing about the Word of God.
Even many who claim to know Jesus actually have a very distorted view of the Lord and His requirements for salvation. They may know what their parents said or what some preachers say, but they don’t know where things are in the Bible or what the Bible actually teaches about critical matters (Matt.… Read more
Surprised When Searching the Scriptures
With today’s technology, Bible study has become easier and quicker than ever before. One innovation that expedites Bible study is the ability to search for anything in the Bible very quickly with Bible software. One can learn rapidly from some simple searches, and many people are very surprised at what they find (or fail to find). For example:
- Search for the phrase “faith only” and you only get one verse: “Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only” (James 2:24).
Lawbreakers Will “Receive Damnation”
Here is an unpopular truth: God commands, “Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme; Or unto governors…For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men” (1 Peter 2:13-15).
Did you see the word “every”? This would include laws that some people consider trivial, such as wearing a seatbelt, obeying the speed limit, or obeying copyright laws.… Read more
Question Your Answers!
If someone were to ask you why you believe what you believe, or why you do what you do religiously, would you be able to answer? More importantly, would your answers come from the Bible? God commands us to “…be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you…” (1 Peter 3:15). Are we able to do that? In the next chapter of Peter’s same epistle, we are commanded: “If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God” (1 Peter 4:11). … Read more
The Seven Churches of Asia and Their Works
Did Jesus emphasize works as an essential part of man’s relationship with God, or did He emphasize “faith alone”? Please notice what Jesus said to the seven churches of Asia:
I know thy works…Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent…I know thy works…be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life…I know thy works…I know thy works…and thy works…I will give unto every one of you according to your works…And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations…I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead.… Read more