Question Your Answers!

If someone were to ask you why you believe what you believe, or why you do what you do religiously, would you be able to answer? More importantly, would your answers come from the Bible?  God commands us to “…be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you…” (1 Peter 3:15). Are we able to do that? In the next chapter of Peter’s same epistle, we are commanded: “If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God” (1 Peter 4:11). … Read more

True Christians Don’t Reject Religion

Those who have had bad experiences with “religious people” or a certain church should not use such experiences as an excuse to totally reject religion in general. Some say they reject “organized religion” and do not “attend church” but still follow Christ. Is that possible? The word “religion” is not a bad word, as many people seem to think. James used the word in a positive way (Jam. 1:26, 27). Christ Himself was a religious person who had a “custom” of regularly assembling with others of like faith (Lk.… Read more

Perfect and Blameless in Every Dispensation

In every major dispensation of time, there have been people God described as “perfect” or “blameless.” That does not mean they never sinned, but when they sinned, they repented, they did what God commanded for forgiveness, and they renewed their commitment to love God and live for Him. Whenever God gave a law to man, He knew there would be times when man would fail to obey, which is why God always had a system of forgiveness in every dispensation.… Read more